Young Professionals

YP members paint houses, gather needed materials for nonprofits, and serve on boards. They connect with each other and business leaders at breakfasts and tours, mingles, and luncheons. They share their perspectives on local issues, learn about leadership and civic engagement, and volunteer to serve on our Advisory Council to, together, move our organization and community forward.

YP Reno County is a volunteer based, nonprofit membership organization that provides professional and personal development opportunities for 21-40 year olds living or working in Reno County. Through events, services, programs, and volunteer opportunities, YP serves as a vehicle for connecting young employees to the community. In addition, YP partners with Greater Hutch on the Intern Hutch program, to help connect summer college-aged interns to show there is an active group of young professionals in Reno County that care about the community and each other's successes.

Since YPs inception in 2008, they’ve worked to foster the engagement of their demographic and take seriously the role they play in recruiting and retaining their generation in Reno County. A pivotal factor in growing our local economy. They have four action teams that are the driving force behind YP programs and events, including breakfasts, luncheons, mingles, and other events meant to provide opportunities for connection. They continue to expand these events and programs available to further meet the needs and desires of their members.

You can learn more information about the Young Professionals of Reno County through their website, or view their event calendar by clicking here.